jQuery Proximity
A simple plugin that fires events based on the proximity of the cursor to an element.
Assuming this particular wheel had already been invented, I hit the intrawebs looking for a valid solution. And, after a little digging, jQuery Approach pulled ahead as the front-runner. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t quite granular enough – I needed something with a little more control.
So I wrote a simple plugin that, when tied to an element and given a ‘range’, fires events that provide feedback, particularly a percentage of how far the cursor is to the element when compared to the total range.
When the cursor is at distance greater than or equal to the ‘range’, a percentage of ’1' is given. If the cursor is hovering over the element, a percentage of ’0' is given. Anywhere else will give a number between ’0' and ’1' depending on the proximity of the cursor to the element.
To see some examples, go the demo page or view the project on GitHub!